
PTA is made up of volunteer parents and teachers, all contributing time and effort into this cause. Here are several ways you can help: 

Join PTA! The number one reason to join RHD PTA is to benefit your child. Research shows that children perform better when parents are engaged at school and at home. Joining the PTA signals to children that adults value education. Be a role model and becomes a RHD PTA Member today. 

Volunteer to help with or run a PTA event! RHD PTA organizes many events and fundraisers throughout the school year to support the classrooms. We are always on the lookout for parent volunteers to join us in organizing and running these events. Please email events@robertdownpta.org if you are interesting in volunteering. You can also look for Sign Up Geniuses for events. 

Donate to RHD PTA! Robert H Down PTA delivers a better education and learning environment for the students. Having adequate funding is an essential part of being a successful PTA. Robert Down PTA enhances the quality of education by raising funds for school supplies or programs that fall outside the school budget. You can donate by dropping off cash or check in an envelope labeled for RHD PTA at the front office in Robert H Down Elementary, use Totem (the membership platform), use PayPal (Robert H Down PTA), through a fundraising drive via GiveButter, or at one of our events (cash, check, credit, Google Pay, and Apple Pay accepted). 

Get a meal with one of our dine to donates with our supporting restaurants. 

Purchase spirit wear at one of our events. You can also purchase spirit wear directly from Field of Dreams Design

Join the RHD PTA Board (open positions for the 2024-2025 SY are in red): 

President (2 consecutive year term limit)*   *Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to exist*

*Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to exist*

Time commitment:  ~10-15 hours/month on average (less if there is an Executive VP and other positions are filled)

Executive Vice President

Time commitment:  ~5-10 hours/month on average


Time commitment:  <2-3 hours per month


Time commitment:  10-15 hours per year 

Treasurer* (2 consecutive year term limit)   *Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to exist*

*Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to exist*

Time commitment:  ~5-15 hours/month on average, more IF you want to volunteer 

Financial Secretary

Time commitment:  ~1-5 hours/month on average, more IF you want to volunteer 

Financial Reviewer* (formerly Auditor) *Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to be compliance*

Time commitment:  ~5 hours/month in July/August, more IF you want to volunteer 

Secretary (2 consecutive year term limit)*   *Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to exist*

*Position NEEDED for RHD PTA to exist*

Time commitment:  ~2-5 hours/month on average 

Website/Technology Coordinator

Time commitment:  TBD by volunteer

VP of Fundraising

Time commitment:  ~5-10 hours/month on average

Silent Auction Committee

Time commitment:  <5 hours/month on average (more leading up to the auction)

Dine Out / Food Truck Coordinator

Time commitment:  ~1-2 hours per month as needed (if you choose to book dine outs in advance this may mean more hours over the summer to get ahead)

Communications, Marketing, & Social Media

Time commitment:  variable time commitment based on events scheduled

VP of Membership

Time commitment:  ~5-10 hours in the fall, 5-10 hours in the spring, & more IF desired

Spirit Wear Coordinator

Time commitment:  TBD, varies

VP of Programs & Events

Time commitment:  variable time commitment based on events scheduled

Volunteer Coordinator

Time commitment:  variable time commitment based on events scheduled

Literacy Chair

Time commitment:  ~20 hours in the fall and ~20 hours in the spring

Hospitality Chair

Time commitment:  ~5-10 hours in the fall/winter and ~5-10 hours in the spring

Halloween Party Committee / Volunteers

Time commitment:  TBD by type of event

Mix & Mingle Coordinator Representative/Liaison for RHD PTA

Time commitment:  TBD by representatives/liaisons from each of the four PGUSD schools for about 2-3 months chosen by representatives/liaisons

Butterfly Bazaar Coordinator Representative/Liaison for RHD PTA

Time commitment:  TBD by representatives/liaisons from each of the four PGUSD schools during months of August thru October

PTA Reflections Coordinator

Time commitment:  TBD, varies (fall event)

Bookfair Committee / Volunteers

Time commitment:  TBD by type of book fair, but we've learned that it requires the equivalent of three full time jobs for a full week

485 Pine Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950

General Email: info@robertdownpta.org

Follow me: Facebook and Instagram

Join Robert H Down PTA